Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Wind

We got hit by a windstorm last night.  It was loud and lasted all evening and into the night. 

When we left the house for the first time today, we found the top to our utility trailer laying next to the car.  The wind had ripped it off the top of the trailer and had thrown it against the car.  Thankfully, all that resulted was a bit of paint transfer to the rear tail light and bumper of the car, so it was more like a glancing blow to the car.  We got some polishing compound tonight and Jeff is going to attack it tomorrow.

They say it is to snow tonight.  Snow down to 2,700 feet, and that's just higher than we are.  Expecting a dusting of maybe up to an inch here in the valley!  That will be fun!  Expect snow pics!

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